23RD COMMEMORATION GENOCIDE AGAINST THE TUTSI IN RWANDA Theme: Remember the genocide against the Tutsi fight genocide ideology- build on our progress. Date: 14 April 2017. Place: AFSAM (Centre For Africa Strategic Studies) Ankara. The event started around 18.00 with the attendance of students from different countries as well as the Rwandan Community in Turkey members. With the help of the 2nd councilor of the Rwandan embassy in Turkey Mr. Eric Rugamba who graced the event with his presence the event kicked off with a high note. Mr. Eric Rugamba explained the African history which led to the Rwandan occupation by the colonizers and how it came to be that there were division within the Rwandan community and families. He further emphasized on how Belgium made effort to divide them through creating a system of dividing rule. The Tutsi and Hutu were a man made creation to cause commotion and confusion in a well organized society. The Rwandan community came from being a monarchy state to a so called democratic state after the monarchy was abolished by the colonizers. To give a better understanding about the Rwandan Community he further explained how the community was based on economic basis by farmers, artisians and the general people. To divide them they said if a person owns cattle qualifies to be a Tutsi, a person who owns land qualifies to be a Hutu and the rest another society. During that period those who schooled from the colonial masters became the political elite. Basically there is no difference between the Tutsi and Hutu but through continuous colonial education the local people came to accept these differences and they were divided by the colonial propaganda. Since 1959, the new political group governed the country, they had almost 25years teaching the genocide ideology and creating hate. On media only hate messages were conveyed. Professional journalists were employed to publish the hate messages of eliminating the other group. Groups were organized to deliver papers printed to universities, schools, public places and everywhere else to spread the hate. It was allowed in the educational system to teach and spread the message that the other group should be eliminated. Not only did this method manage to divide the people and create hate it finally led to the long planned genocide by the colonizers. Within a span of 3months more than a million lives were lost and it is internationally recognized as the only genocide that was so horrible within a short period of time. The present Rwandan government is now working on building a peaceful country today, the commemoration is held every year so that the people can be educated so that another bloody genocide will not happen again anywhere in the world. Every year they chose a theme on what they want to achieve. There are some people who are still denying the genocide against the Tutsi. In the last 23 years Rwanda had almost 6 million people. Almost 3 million of the population was lost. The government which prompted the genocide almost left the country empty, the economy was left at zero. Rwanda was a failed state. Rwanda has achieved a lot since then despite the tragic event. Today Rwanda is the 2nd troop contributing country in the world. They are trying to make sure that what happened in Rwanda should not happen anywhere else in the world. The event at AFSAM was a success as the attendances experienced the moments of candle lighting to commemorate the lives lost during the genocide and the depth of the explanation to understand Rwanda better. The question and answer session also made an impact as students had the zeal to learn what the genocide experience for Rwanda could bring hope to Africa as a whole. The event came to an end with the closing remarks from AFSAM co-coordinator in Ankara Mr. Timothy Perego who thanked everyone who attended for their participation and how it is important for everyone to be commemorating the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Encouraging all African students to work together as they represent their countries in everything they do and thinking of their neighbors as well so as to build a better Africa and promote peace everywhere. |
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